Thursday, 13 October 2016

#WhatNoOneTellsYou About Email SPAM

  1. Spam accounts for 14.5 billion messages globally per day. In other words, spam makes up 45% of all emails.
  2. The most prevalent type of spam is advertising-related email; this type of spam accounts for approximately 36% of all spam messages
  3. Surprisingly, scams and fraud comprise only 2.5% of all spam email; however, identity theft (which is known as phishing) makes up 73% of this figure.
  4. According to a study by the Radicati Research Group Inc., a research firm based in Palo Alto, California, spam costs businesses $20.5 billion annually in decreased productivity as well as in technical expenses
  5. However, some researchers believe that based on an estimated current cost of $49 annually per inbox, the total cost of spam for businesses will balloon to $257 billion per year if spam continues to flourish at its current rate.

SPAM? Consumer's vs. Marketer's

SPAM? Consumer's View vs. Marketers


Sometimes I just feel like "Seriously, another email notification?"
To be honest, I have dark experiences with email spam, it got me to the point where I deactivated 2 or 3 email accounts, because, it gets too annoying at times.
Spam email is perceived by customer in very negative way, even sometimes marketers failed to please consumer by the message and ended up losing consumer because they get too annoyed with email spam

What is SPAM?

The term SPAM was originally derived from Monty Phyton in reference to canned meat. However, today SPAM is defined as any unsolicited emails or undesirable online communication. YES! Undesirable! On other words, SPAM is like a flood of messages as form of attempt from a brand to inform their marketing and promotional offer to their customers.

How SPAM works?

SPAM email is form of direct marketing effort from a brand, to communicate "closely" with their customer. SPAM provides a brand with huge reach to customers. However, SPAM have its' downside on consumer perspectives. facts revealed in 2008 that approximately 88% of email traffic worldwide were considered as "SPAM EMAIL", and #WhatNoOneTellsYou: most of the activities are considerably illegal.

Why SPAM still there?

Considering on the negative impact of SPAM, why would still brand use email SPAM to build closure with their customer?
  • SPAM - affordable direct marketing tool
    • Spamming email is one of direct marketing tool, in which brand uses to communicate with consumer and build closure. Email om brand Is relatively cheap, not complicated and also fast track of information sent to consumer
    • Other method such as, social media advertisement will incurred cost to the company - even relatively cheap compared to TV/ billboard ad.
    • Compared to other online advertising method, SPAM email is still the best option to go
  • SPAM  - delivers highest ROI (Return on investment) for a company

    • New technologies are constantly being developed, but email is still the favorite one, why?
    • Lasted or 10 years, email is the channel generating highest ROI for marketers, in which $1 spent, email marketing generated $38

  • SPAM - beats social media in terms of customer acquisition

    • Email spam beats social media by 40 times, which simply prove that, EMAIL SPAM, although viewed by consumer negatively, it is very profitable indeed for a brand
    • The that email spam beats facebook/social media by 40 times, has led us to re-consider to implement it to our business because email spam is proven to have resonated consumers and is preferred as long term investment.

Email Spam is Effective Brand Recall

EMAIL SPAM is often considered as "annoying" way of communication from a brand to customer. However, the success do not lies in how is it perceived, yet more importantly about the message delivered and how the message positioned themselves in customers mind. Even without notice, once consumer are perceived with the email spam and read the promotional offer from the brand, they would immediately, not just absorb the message, but also remember about the brand, hence improving brand recognition and recall.

Email Spam is Effective Positioning

EMAIL SPAM, therefore, is an effective marketing tool. Marketer should consider about using email spam as it is low in cost, fast and flexible. The flexibility applies on the message. There is no burden on how long or short the email is going to be. However, marketers need to consider on building short yet appealing message to consumer, enhancing effectiveness in attracting customers. The more unique the message is, the more likely it would have strong positioning in consumer's mind.

What #NoOneTellsYou About WOM

  1. 1. 92% of consumers worldwide trust recommendations from family members or friends more than any form of advertising.
  2. 81% of U.S. consumers are influenced by a friend’s social media post, compared to 78% who are influenced by a post from the brand.
  3. ]BrightLocal88% of people trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from personal contacts.
  4. ]BrightLocal72% say reading a positive customer reviews increase their trust in a business; it takes, on average, 2-6 reviews to get 56% of them to this point.
  5.  On social media, 58% of consumers share their positive experiences with a company, and ask family, colleagues, and friends for their opinions about brands. [SDL]
  6. 91% of B2B buyers are influenced by word-of-mouth when making their buying decision. [USM]
  7. ]MarketShare]Word-of-mouth has been shown to improve marketing effectiveness by up to 54%.
  8. 43% of social media users report buying a product after sharing or favoriting it on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Over half of purchases inspired by social media sharing occur within 1 week of sharing or favoriting, and 80% of purchases resulting from social media shares occur within 3 weeks of sharing. [VisionCritical]
  9. ]Radius Global] Millennials ranked word-of-mouth as the #1 influencer in their purchasing decisions about clothes, packaged goods, big-ticket items (like travel and electronics), and financial products. Baby Boomers also ranked word-of-mouth as being most influential in their purchasing decisions about big-ticket items and financial products.
My favorite one!
"On average, a satisfied customer tells 3 people in their life about how good a product is. Guess what happen when they aren't satisfied? Research has found they, on average, would tell 9 people on how bad the product is."

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


"I was so happy when a stranger sent me a Coke bottle"

WOM? What is it?

When we heard the term "word of mouth" what is the first thing that pops to your mind?
Personally, this what comes to mine: "GOSSIP"
But what is it actually?
Word of mouth described by Marketing Terms is a marketing method that relies on casual social interactions to promote a product.

But why WOM (Word of Mouth)

Here is 5 principles of WOM that would explain you how beneficial is WOM to a brand

How successful WOM looks like?

Coca Cola is one of the most recognized brand these days. Most of people in this world recognized Coca Cola, because the brand has been such a valuable part in their happiest moments in life - weddings, birthdays, hangout to the bar, or simply just a happy lunch.  Coming back to "gossip" oh yes, even sometimes Coca cola is there when some girls gathered and do the "girls talk". But how is Coca Cola so successful in their word of mouth?

the brand tagline itself is "spreading happiness".

Throwback CocaCola

To begin explaining, let's have a little throwback to the era when internet, TV, or any other media are yet to exist and only WOM could help a brand.
1888, Asa Candler took over Coca Cola which was only prices for $0.05/ can, and sold for 9 cans/day. Candler decided to gave away free CocaCola coupons to consumer - "spreading happiness", and stored barrels of Coca Cola syrup to stores reluctant to stock this drink. However, as consumers with coupons flocked to these stores, store owners quickly turned as paying consumer.
The strategy was a breakthrough! By giving incentives to both retailers and consumers to talk about CocaCola, Candler was able to generate buzz and build his brand.
That was how CocaCola set foot on the path towards the successful journey.

Success of  Hilltop song campaign

Featured in the series finale of AMC's Mad Men, Coca Cola's "Hilltop" was an advertising jingle that had the world sing along during 1969“Chorus of the World”, a gathering of people of various nations ethnicities singing the song “I’d Like To Buy The World A Coke” on a hill. The song was so popular that troves of people were calling radio station requesting the commercial be played

The reason why it work so well was because "Hilltop” was a heartwarming ad that appealed to the socially progressive values that were prevalent in the era.
It also helped that it was a beautiful song that was incredibly well-received. It’s hard to ignore a song flooding the airwaves and sung by everyone around you, is it?!

What's up now?

4 years ago in 2012, partnering with google, CocaCola made another breakthrough by reimagine the "hilltop campaign", but this one, to be placed in mobile era.

the tagline of the campaign "spreading happiness - make the world feels a little bit smaller" worked just as successful as the "Hilltop Campaign" back in 1969
The main reason why this worked was how the campaign successfully take us back to our "happy moments".

Personal Perspective

Based on personal experience with the brand. Myself who is categorized as Millennials have heard of the jingle through my parents. Personally, when I think of it, The ad itself is closely appealing to the ideals of connectivity and unity. This is why people were happy to share stories about the campaign or "storytelling" the campaign that creates successful word of mouth.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

#WhatNoOneTellsYou about SEO

1. 75% of SEO is off-page and 25% is on-page
2. 91% of US Internet users search every month
3. Google+ is the highest correlated social factor for SEO ranking
4. The top 5 search results on the SERPs get 75% of user clicks.
5. Around the world, 131 billion searches are conducted on the web each month
6. 70% of the links clicked on by search users are actually organic
7. Google owns 65-70% of the search engine market share
8. 81% of businesses consider their blogs as an important asset to their business
9. Search and e-mail are the top two internet activities
10. Page titles are the most important on-page element after content
11. 70-80% of users ignore the paid ads, focusing on the organic results
12. 50% of search users begin their search with a mobile device and this percentage will only increase


I'm a small word inside a book, world is a huge library full of books. Will the librarian ever find me?

Back to early 2005, I always went to library to find certain book that could support my assignment.
Imagine! this whole internet world is no different than a library. But what if my brand is just a word, in a book, in a library with billion books? will the librarian find me?

According to Search Engine Land, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines. The key purpose or a brand to use SEO is to increase “visibility” in all sorts of ways in search engines.
SEO has been used by wide variety of brands, including massive brands in car manufacturing such as: BMW, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, etc.

When you think about it, its a bit unfair how big brands always come up on top of the list, its like small brands do not have the chance to be visible to customer. According to , the best car brands are BMW, Mercedez, Lamborghini, Audi, Ferrari, Porsche, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen and Honda. Isn't there so much more than that? Where is Hyundai? Mazda?

Based on Google Trends data on Australian Region, Hyundai is the least brand googled compared to its competition, Honda, Toyota, Mazda and BMW. To be more specific, I conducted more research in Victoria State, Australia. However, the result was unfortunate.

Hyundai is still the least brand googled by Australians. Will this be the end for Hyundai?

If internet world = library, as a brand, you want to make sure you are visible to the librarian and to the readers. You don't want bigger brands caught their attention, and you're left there invisible.


Hyundai will still have the chance to survive! How? By setting up an effective SEO that is done through:


"Being known among people who look for your product's category is enough"
It all comes down to building the proper and effective brand image. An image that will remain strong in consumer mind - a unique positioning. According to Hyundai is known for their good safety, it has three vehicles named Top Safety Picks by the highly respected Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in 2016; they were the Sonata, the Genesis and the Tucson.
A unique selling proposition help a brand in building strong image. 

Search localization

"Even if you are a small brand, tell people exactly where you exist."
According to , one sneaky way to improve awareness is by using location to be specific about our marketing. With Google, the local presence is often the quickest way to shoot your site to the top of search results. Regardless of how many big brands dominate them, Google is still bound to display some local results. Simply saying, it is way more specific to search for "Hyundai South Melbourne" than just "Hyundai".

Social media

"Social media may not be the most functional way to increase awareness, but when you're focusing on brand level competition, it is invaluable"
Sure, many of your customers will use it for customer service and other support related queries but what’s a better opportunity to develop your brand than by helping customers in public? - Social Media
Contests and other ways to entertain your audience are other ideas that help build connection with an audience. Stephen Brown, a renowned marketing professor said: “a brand is nothing more or less than sum of all the mental connections people have around it

By putting efforts to improve the following three, YOU as a brand should be able to be recognized by the librarian (search engine: Google/bing/yahoo), so then your readers (web surfers, your target audience) have as many knowledge as possible about your brand.


Friday, 16 September 2016

#WhatNoOneTellsYou About NETFLIX

  1. Netflix was almost called In 2000, Blockbuster considered purchasing Netflix. Netflix was going to sell them 49% stake in the company and would have become the online service that Blockbuster was looking for.
  2. Netflix has 76,897 different categories while searching. Some of these categories include “Cool Moustaches”, “Dark Canadian Thrillers”, and “Understated Detective TV Shows. Maybe that’s where all the good shows I’ve been looking are hidden.
  3. You can sort your list of movies on Netflix by their Rotten Tomatoes rating. You can do this by going to the Rotten Tomatoes Netflix streaming page OR you can download a free Chrome extension that will give you the ratings listed right on Netflix.
  4. Netflix employees are allowed to take as many vacation days as they want. Netflix spokesperson Joris Evers said, “It’s about freedom and responsibility and treating people like adults
  5. Netflix employees know how to have fun. On April Fool’s Day one year, they changed up their categories and added some made up categories instead. Some of these ridiculous categories included “Movies That Are In English But Still Require Subtitles”, “Movies Featuring An Epic Nicholas Cage Meltdown”, and “TV Shows Where Defiantly Crossed Arms Mean Business!”

If you are watching Netflix on your computer there are a ton of keyboard shortcuts you may not know about. Here are a few of them: F = Full Screen, Shift + Left Arrow = Rewind, Shift + Right Arrow = Fast Forward, M = Mute, Up Arrow = Volume Up, Down Arrow = Volume Down, Enter = Play/Pause, Page Up = Play, Page Down = Pause, and ESC = Exit Full Screen. Some of these will come in handy when you are watching movies at work rather than actually working.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Netflix is a streaming media provider based in US. The company, which started as a small DVD-by-mail service in the U.S., has expanded its streaming video services worldwide in the last few years.
With around $7 billion annual revenue, the success is undoubtable.


The main job of analytics is to help companies gain insight into their customers, optimizing their marketing and deliver a better product.  Analytics gives businesses the quantitative data they need to make better, more informed decisions and improve their services. Without analytics, company is blind.


Netflix see "DATA" and its importance to them. At current count, Netflix has 83.18 million worldwide streaming customers. Having this large user base allows Netflix to gather a TREMENDOUS amount of data.


NETFLIX come straight to mind when it comes to Big Data.
Thinking of the word "BIG", the question pops to mind would be, how BIG?
"its not the amount of the data that matters, but what the businesses do with the data"
As starting point, understand that Netflix has the advantage as internet company that allows Netflix to know their customers well, not just have a “persona” or “idea” of what their average customer is like.
By this means, Netflix can make better decisions and ultimately make users happier with their service.

Netflix gain insights from analyzing what customer do when streaming, such as:

  • What day cust watch content (Netflix has found people watch TV shows during the week and movies during the weekend.)
  • What device cust use to watch (Do you like to use your tablet for TV shows and your PC for movies? Do people access the Just for Kids feature more on their iPads, etc.?)
  • When cust pause and leave content (and if they ever come back)
  • The ratings given (about 4 million per day)
  • Searches (about 3 million per day)
  • Browsing and scrolling behavior
  • Netflix also looks at data within movies to find out if customer skip credits.

Why NETFLIX cares?

Through their analytics, Netflix may know how much content users need to watch in order to be less likely to cancel,
 “If we can get each user to watch at least 15 hours of content each month, they are 75% less likely to cancel. If they drop below 5 hours, there is a 95% chance they will cancel.”
So now that they have this data, they can ask themselves “How do we help users watch at least 15 hours of content per month?”


    assessing customer entertainment preferences (performing better job of targeting users with offers for shows/ movies they might like based on previous watched movies by the user)
Few months ago, I, personally, registered to NETFLIX. On the boarding process, Netflix asked new user (me) to rate my interest in movie genres and rate any movies i’ve already seen.

Why do they do this right up front?

"Because helping users discover new movies and TV shows they’ll enjoy is integral to Netflix’s success."
If people run out of movies they want to watch and have no way to find new movies, they’ll cancel. It’s important that Netflix puts a lot of focus on making sure they have an accurate algorithm for this rather than having users rely on outside sources to find new movies, or even users' personal preference.

How the recommendation system works?


For myself, yes, movies is life. I love movies - who don't?. But often, during long-boring-summer break, I asked myself
"What more to watch?".
Netflix assure me that I wont ever have to face that problem again.

The point is, to get consumer, spend more and more time streaming on Netflix, therefore consumers have more tendency on long term subscription to Netflix.

Is the recommendation algorithm accurate and successful?
Since 75% of viewer activity is based on these recommendations,
Personally, I’d say it works very well on Netflix

Thursday, 1 September 2016

#WhatNoOneTellsYou About Mobile Marketing

  1. 75% of Americans admit bringing their mobile phone to bathroom!
  2. 4 out of 5 consumers have used smartphones to shop
  3. There are 6.8 billion people in the world, 4 billion owns mobile phones, but only 3.4 billion use toothbrush
  4. 21% o adults keep their mobile phones within arm's reach
  5. 74% of people admit using smartphones for shopping, which 79% of them end up purchasing the product online
  6. Mobile coupons receive 10% higher redemption rates than print coupons
  7. 81% of smartphones users have done research on their mobile phone, with 71% end up purchasing the products
Mobile phones ft Marketers?

In 2011 43% of marketers used mobile technology and 25% planned to do so with only 15% having no plans to "go mobile". More recently in May 2013, a Constant Contact survey reported that a hopping 73% of marketers now use mobile.
What A difference 2 years has made

#WhatNoOneTellsYou About A/B Testing

  1. 2.72% of online retailers test their CTA (Call To Action) button
  2. Google ran more than 7 THOUSANDS A/b Testing in 2015, which 40 of the tests are to determine which shades of blue earn more clicks
  3. QuickSprout runs A/B testing once every two weeks, and it boost up their sales by 20%
  4. People surfing on TreeHouse library never sign up, having their navigation bar and sign up button scroll as the page scroll down, boost up their registers of 138%
  5. Microsoft went from 14 days trial to 30 days trial, as the result, 102% more people continue purchasing the software after their trial period ended
Still doubting the power of A/B testing? Try Obama!

President Obama election year of 2008, trial their CTA button, and combine it with Obama's family picture that says "learn more", as result, increasing signups by 40.2% worth of 60 million dollars and 288.000 Volunteers

Location Based Marketing; BlueBrain - "Location Aware Album" vs. Starbucks - "Mobile Order and Pay"

Have you ever experienced, being in the middle of crowded shopping center, like this

And there you go, protecting your ears from noises

What if I tell you, there is a solution for it? What if, you can listen to top playlist of the day? Sounds great? I got more for you.

What if, the song you listen to can automatically change as you move from store to store?
What if, a place isn't all about a vision in your eyes? But rather a melody in your ears.

Introducing, BlueBrain - The Location Aware Album

The brothers, Ryan and Hays Holladay have created music that arises out of the listener’s interaction with a certain geographical location. The combination of sensors, high accuracy location tracking and your connected devices are leading to new types of engagement with your immediate surroundings.

Let's highlight the 2 core factors of BlueBrain:
  • High Accuracy Location Tracking (Geo-marketing or Location based marketing)
  • Users' Connected Device (Mobile Phones with Internet)
These 2 components are, more or less, part of Mobile Marketing - connecting and engaging with consumer through and with mobile.
Aside from BlueBrain and how amazingly technology and entertainment put together, let's go back to the very core itself.

Location Based Marketing

Why would location based marketing be beneficial for a brand?
  • Highly targeted
Location-based marketing is highly geographically targeted; you know that you are talking to people who are within close distance of your products or service.
  • Consumer Insights
User reviews will tell you exactly what your customers are thinking, while take-up rates for particular offers will provide insights into customer preferences. For example, with BlueBrain, by how many times the music is being played, they'd be able to determine what places are visited the most by certain group of people (are they tourists? or locals)

  • Attracting consumers
Location-based marketing is the best way to convert foot traffic and online traffic into new customers. People who had never have heard of our brand, or never have considered using our product, can be persuaded to try for the first time. With BlueBrain, one thing that make it so special is that, its unique - The world's first Location Aware Album . Personally, I would try download BlueBrain App!

  • Bring convenience to consumers
Back to the very top of the page. Noises at crowded shopping center. With BlueBrain, anyone could just listen to music, rather than noisy voices. How convenient it would be for consumer?

How Location Based Marketing Effect Retailer

Another brand who nailed it when giving convenience for their consumer is Starbucks!
Angel Wong, a Famous Youtuber give testimonials on her 2nd purchase of Starbucks through Mobile Order and Pay

Starbucks - Mobile Order and Pay feature on its app uses a customer’s proximity to a store, allowing consumer to order ahead before stopping in. By combining the power of mobile and location services, Starbucks is saving customers time and enticing them to come back.
The result may mean less time spent in the store, but definitely higher spend because of the speed and convenience provided for consumers. This is a definite win-win solution for both retailers and consumers convenience.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

15 Million Apps in Apple Store, another 15 Million Apps in Google Play!!?

- a good app won't ever be enough

How to be unique in such crowded market? Some may call it new SEO, I'd prefer calling it ASO (App Store Optimization). The main goal for marketers nowadays is focusing on how to support user goal acquisition.

Kobi Glick said "Store Listing", I'd say "A/B Testing"

"But, oh what? What did I just read?"
Don't you worry! The confusion is no more.

Brief about "Store Listing"

Kobi Glick, a Google play team representative popularized the term "Store Listing Experiment" but really, what is it? "Store listing" is one feature on Google App Store (Google Play) which allows App developer to basically list the App they build to be exposed to consumers.

But what does the "Experiment" stands for?

Based on the previous video, the experiment occurs where developers are allowed to have "trial" on their app icon and stuff like their screenshot of the app. "Trial" is so important, because:
  1. App icon, in this case is one marketing attributes which also is a main drive to attract consumer's attention. A good App icon can do more, rather than just being "an icon".
  2. "A main drive" Is one serious matter, in which, developer can't really rely on their intuition on deciding what's a good App icon, and what's not - consumer perception matters. Each consumer who surf Google Play has different perspectives. Some consumer might perceive the logo as interesting while some of them might see there is nothing special about the logo.
  3. The question of concern is, why use intuition while developers have the chance to rely on numbers/ data to optimize their store listing?
"Trial" brings the idea of seeing what could and could not work for an App, and take any corrective action when needed.

The process of "trial" itself, is basically relying on what we called as "A/B testing"

A/B Testing

"The process of comparing two variations of a single element to determine which performs best in order to help improve marketing efforts"

The process of comparing two variations of a single element

  • In other words, A/B testing is basically developing 2/more different ways in obtaining one goal.
  • This is also known as 'split-test'
  • Google Play implement this by allowing developer to edit their graphic and text to their App listing, and compare

To determine which performs best

  • After being able to compare the advantages, developer will then choose which way actually bring more advantage to them and make it as their best option.
  • The Kongregate, famous for creating the game Epic Skater, decide to did trial on their App icon and see if the icon they've always had is the best. They did new design for the icon. Apparently it turned out that, one of the new App icon design is 39% better than the old one.
The old Epic Skater AppIcon

The New Epic Skater App Icon

In order to help improve marketing efforts

  • The new Epic Skater App icon is 39% "better", the betterment includes:
    • increment of conversion rate
    • better resonance of their audience
    • increased return on investment
  • Other than personally gaining more profits, the use of A/B testing a.k.a Store Listing Experiments bring more benefits to the developer such as:
    • improving traffic from all sources
    • amplifies organic users acquisition on Google Play
    • gathering consumer insight
      • with proposing various of ideas on App icon design, developer will be able to find out, the design consumers like more as well as their taste and preferences
      • Knowing these lead to the  betterment of targeting market. Developer can be more specific to target their products.
      • Example, the "Me" appp

The developer of me app propose 2 hypotheses,
  1. Does the app icon need to be colorful?
  2. Does the word "ME" need to be attached?
Store listing experiments has allowed them to test both icons, and as an end result, the new design app with more colorful colour and no "me" is more attractive to users, improving user rate by more than 33%.

Some tips to go, use A/B testing, make a difference!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow

Admit it, as part of 75% internet surfers who use social media, you definitely recognize these apps. I mean, for some of us having to live without these apps? Oh come' on.


Take a while, and ask yourself, what is it really? We are so attached to it yet we know only a few.
According to Wikipedia, Social Media are computer-mediated tools that allow people, companies and or other organisations to create, share or exchange information/ contents/ ideas in virtual communities.
Lets focus on the highlighted words and relate to the social media apps above
  • Instagram is used, personally, by famous celebrities. Take for instance, 79m followers account of Kim Kardashian. Known for starring TV show: Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim comes first when it comes to endorsement - sharing her personal experience to attract consumer buying the product


According to Kaplan, Social media is also classified based on their social presence ad self-presentation:

There is no doubt that social media dominate internet users nowadays, for fact #NoOneTellsYou that 91% internet users are surfing on social media each day. But has social media always been this active?


Correct. It hasn't always been this active. Dragging you 20 years back to the era of Web 1.0 and OpenDiary. Web 1.0? We live in the era of Web 2.0, with Google instead of Netscape. However, back then, it was web 1.0 who run the world.

WEB 1.0

Back to the famous founder of OpenDiary, the first blog to have ever made in history Bruce and Susan Abelson. OpenDiary, an early social networking site that brought together online diary writers into one community. We might never heard of this before - not until you read this, which make sense, because its 20 years ago, maybe our parents or grandparents are the ones having to experienced writing their diaries and shared it with the world

20 years back from today, imagine you live in the world without Google, I mean, who gonna help us with reference for our paperwork? (comment down below if you feel me). YES NO GOOGLE. It was... Netscape.

And they started to realize that Web 1.0 need some improvement. They need people, to engage more in virtual world.

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 concept itself started with a conference of brainstorming session, adding exciting new application and sites for users to communicate / share and create interaction in within (, 2016). Like many other concepts, web 2.30 doesn't have a hard boundary, but rather a gravitational core. The visualization of web 2.0 may come with set of linked principles.

Analyzing from the principles, yes. Web 2.0 is all about "user generated content" or as said "Consumer-generated Media" or simply called SOCIAL MEDIA where consumers are socialized to be an architect or participant of their own website. With web 2.0/ social media
  • Consumers engage in interaction with other users
  • Consumers are free to express themselves through shared moments, pictures, videos, thoughts

  • Consumers are given more right to freely deliver their comments about certain articles, posts, advertisement. Meanwhile not all the comments are positive, like this comment on YouTube:

  • Consumers are given the chance to have a second life - that sounds a bit scary, is it?. But for fact #NoOneTellsYou that 71% of internet users check on their Facebook atleast 5 times a day. Yes, just like any other social media, Facebook allow the users to interact - or not to interact (how many of us don't want to be friends with our family on FB for whatever reasons?) with their friends virtually, ignoring the fact that they are 10.000 miles apart/
  • Consumers are allowed to see reviews, based on someone else's experience with certain product, which also allow companies to use social media in generating positive word of mouth to increase awareness and trustworthiness of their brand.


Mainly focusing about business aim of social media usage, many businesses both big brands or small ones are using social media to increase awareness and spreading more word of mouth. This is done through several ways which includes:

Advertisement in social media - Awareness

Once it come to awareness, one top brand in my mind is always, NIKE. using Facebook and YouTube as their platform this time, Nike ft Pepsi and featured by Kyrie Irving  is having free give away of 'Uncle Drew' collection. The giveaway truly catch my attention as its not just the shoes, but the mini dolls of 'Uncle Drew' which I find very cute

But how to win this pair of limited collection?

Again, Nike ft Pepsi are smartly using social media platform. To win this limited 'Uncle Drew' collection - a NIKE sneaker, a Hoodie, and the cute doll. Beforehand, fans worldwide 1you are required to:
  1. Download the Pepsi Pass app
  2. Enter sweepstakes to win one of the limited-edition kit

Simple easy 2 steps for such priceless box? Why not!


Future social media? How is it gonna be like?
My prediction.. There is only one ultimate answer to this question, one word.
WOMEN. - uhh but why?
#NoOneTellsYou that the male vs. female ratio of social media users is as follows: Facebook – 60% female/40% male; Twitter – 60% female/40% male; Pinterest – 79% female/21% male; Google Plus – 29% female/71% male; LinkedIn – 55% female/45% male.

This is quite obvious isn't it? That the future shoppers are women, Therefore, a wise recommendation would  be for companies to start thinking about redirecting their target audience to female shoppers.
Groceries shopping, home supplies, fashion apparel, choosing family cars, buying coffee before work, buying toys for the kids, gardening, or even picnic... Afterall, its always women who does it all

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

#WhatNoOneTellsYou about Social Media

  1. 93% marketers are using social media. However only 9% of marketing companies have full-time bloggers
  2. 23% of total Facebook users of (1,700,000,000 people) check on their account at least 5 times a day
  3. There are 684,478 pieces of content shared on Facebook; 3,600 new photos on Instagram; 2,083 check-ins on Foursquare during EVERY ONE MINUTE OF EVERY DAY
  4. Future market is on women, why? The male vs. female ratio of social media users is as follows: Facebook – 60% female/40% male; Twitter – 60% female/40% male; Pinterest – 79% female/21% male; Google Plus – 29% female/71% male; LinkedIn – 55% female/45% male.
  5. YESTERDAY - TODAY - TOMORROW Facebook will still be on as 77% of B2C companies have acquired new customers through their Facebook presence

About Me

But oh hey! My name is Sheli (shelly). I am a second year Monash international student enrolled under Marketing studies and currently doing Digital Marketing unit to have some more fun with "Art Marketing".
Aside from being a student, I do a bit of dancing - hiphop and stuff, I play saxophone - yet I'm an EDM fanatic (?) #hardwellno1, clothes are goddess, enjoy travelling and i love dogs, yey!

For a quick review, the posts on this blog will be talking around Digital Marketing, featured with fun facts that, really, #NoOneTellsYouAbout. But yep, hopefully you enjoy the contents as much as I do and I deeply hope this is not too boring for you to skip the page.

With love, Sheli ;)