Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow
Admit it, as part of 75% internet surfers who use social media, you definitely recognize these apps. I mean, for some of us having to live without these apps? Oh come' on.
Take a while, and ask yourself, what is it really? We are so attached to it yet we know only a few.According to Wikipedia, Social Media are computer-mediated tools that allow people, companies and or other organisations to create, share or exchange information/ contents/ ideas in virtual communities.
Lets focus on the highlighted words and relate to the social media apps above
- Instagram is used, personally, by famous celebrities. Take for instance, 79m followers account of Kim Kardashian. Known for starring TV show: Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim comes first when it comes to endorsement - sharing her personal experience to attract consumer buying the product
According to Kaplan, Social media is also classified based on their social presence ad self-presentation:
There is no doubt that social media dominate internet users nowadays, for fact #NoOneTellsYou that 91% internet users are surfing on social media each day. But has social media always been this active?
Correct. It hasn't always been this active. Dragging you 20 years back to the era of Web 1.0 and OpenDiary. Web 1.0? We live in the era of Web 2.0, with Google instead of Netscape. However, back then, it was web 1.0 who run the world.
WEB 1.0
Back to the famous founder of OpenDiary, the first blog to have ever made in history Bruce and Susan Abelson. OpenDiary, an early social networking site that brought together online diary writers into one community. We might never heard of this before - not until you read this, which make sense, because its 20 years ago, maybe our parents or grandparents are the ones having to experienced writing their diaries and shared it with the world
20 years back from today, imagine you live in the world without Google, I mean, who gonna help us with reference for our paperwork? (comment down below if you feel me). YES NO GOOGLE. It was... Netscape.
And they started to realize that Web 1.0 need some improvement. They need people, to engage more in virtual world.
WEB 2.0
Web 2.0 concept itself started with a conference of brainstorming session, adding exciting new application and sites for users to communicate / share and create interaction in within (, 2016). Like many other concepts, web 2.30 doesn't have a hard boundary, but rather a gravitational core. The visualization of web 2.0 may come with set of linked principles.
Analyzing from the principles, yes. Web 2.0 is all about "user generated content" or as said "Consumer-generated Media" or simply called SOCIAL MEDIA where consumers are socialized to be an architect or participant of their own website. With web 2.0/ social media
- Consumers engage in interaction with other users
- Consumers are free to express themselves through shared moments, pictures, videos, thoughts
- Consumers are given more right to freely deliver their comments about certain articles, posts, advertisement. Meanwhile not all the comments are positive, like this comment on YouTube:
- Consumers are given the chance to have a second life - that sounds a bit scary, is it?. But for fact #NoOneTellsYou that 71% of internet users check on their Facebook atleast 5 times a day. Yes, just like any other social media, Facebook allow the users to interact - or not to interact (how many of us don't want to be friends with our family on FB for whatever reasons?) with their friends virtually, ignoring the fact that they are 10.000 miles apart/
- Consumers are allowed to see reviews, based on someone else's experience with certain product, which also allow companies to use social media in generating positive word of mouth to increase awareness and trustworthiness of their brand.
Mainly focusing about business aim of social media usage, many businesses both big brands or small ones are using social media to increase awareness and spreading more word of mouth. This is done through several ways which includes:Advertisement in social media - Awareness
Once it come to awareness, one top brand in my mind is always, NIKE. using Facebook and YouTube as their platform this time, Nike ft Pepsi and featured by Kyrie Irving is having free give away of 'Uncle Drew' collection. The giveaway truly catch my attention as its not just the shoes, but the mini dolls of 'Uncle Drew' which I find very cute
But how to win this pair of limited collection?
Again, Nike ft Pepsi are smartly using social media platform. To win this limited 'Uncle Drew' collection - a NIKE sneaker, a Hoodie, and the cute doll. Beforehand, fans worldwide 1you are required to:
- Download the Pepsi Pass app
- Enter sweepstakes to win one of the limited-edition kit
Simple easy 2 steps for such priceless box? Why not!
Future social media? How is it gonna be like?
My prediction.. There is only one ultimate answer to this question, one word.
WOMEN. - uhh but why?
#NoOneTellsYou that the male vs. female ratio of social media users is as follows: Facebook – 60% female/40% male; Twitter – 60% female/40% male; Pinterest – 79% female/21% male; Google Plus – 29% female/71% male; LinkedIn – 55% female/45% male.
This is quite obvious isn't it? That the future shoppers are women, Therefore, a wise recommendation would be for companies to start thinking about redirecting their target audience to female shoppers.
Groceries shopping, home supplies, fashion apparel, choosing family cars, buying coffee before work, buying toys for the kids, gardening, or even picnic... Afterall, its always women who does it all
Hi Sheli, I found your blog post to be very exciting and interesting! I really liked the idea of how you explained the concept of Social Media and its transformation by dividing your post into categories of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Throughout the post, you have made your readers engaged by very clear explanations, visually attractive images, great examples and with an addition of your unique #NoOneTellsYou ! I personally, can’t do without social media apps either and its really hard to imagine that how I would connect with my friends and family who live on the other side of the world without Web 2.0’s innovation. Your examples of Facebook and YouTube with Nike and the notion of Second life substantiates very well with Kaplan’s concept of social media classification based on social presence and self-presentation. Overall, it was very informative! Great Job!