Thursday, 13 October 2016

What #NoOneTellsYou About WOM

  1. 1. 92% of consumers worldwide trust recommendations from family members or friends more than any form of advertising.
  2. 81% of U.S. consumers are influenced by a friend’s social media post, compared to 78% who are influenced by a post from the brand.
  3. ]BrightLocal88% of people trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from personal contacts.
  4. ]BrightLocal72% say reading a positive customer reviews increase their trust in a business; it takes, on average, 2-6 reviews to get 56% of them to this point.
  5.  On social media, 58% of consumers share their positive experiences with a company, and ask family, colleagues, and friends for their opinions about brands. [SDL]
  6. 91% of B2B buyers are influenced by word-of-mouth when making their buying decision. [USM]
  7. ]MarketShare]Word-of-mouth has been shown to improve marketing effectiveness by up to 54%.
  8. 43% of social media users report buying a product after sharing or favoriting it on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Over half of purchases inspired by social media sharing occur within 1 week of sharing or favoriting, and 80% of purchases resulting from social media shares occur within 3 weeks of sharing. [VisionCritical]
  9. ]Radius Global] Millennials ranked word-of-mouth as the #1 influencer in their purchasing decisions about clothes, packaged goods, big-ticket items (like travel and electronics), and financial products. Baby Boomers also ranked word-of-mouth as being most influential in their purchasing decisions about big-ticket items and financial products.
My favorite one!
"On average, a satisfied customer tells 3 people in their life about how good a product is. Guess what happen when they aren't satisfied? Research has found they, on average, would tell 9 people on how bad the product is."

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